Employee Wellness
Let's keep employees healthy.
Facts :
ONE in THREE employees live with a future health risk
ONE in FOUR employees need help in mental health
ayubo.life has plans to address both these requirements.
Data shows that health indicators of a cohort of employees in a company deteriorates, year on year, this affects employee engagement, productivity and insurance costs.
ayubo.life wellness plans engage employees in a wellness conversation and to take them through a journey of wellness without denting corporate budgets.
Affordable health plans from ayubo.life let's employees stretch their OPD cover with unlimited access to doctors.
Why ayubo.life
We engage employees with gamification.
It's personalized at scale.
Each employee gets an assigned team. (Doctor, dietician & fitness expert)
We keep it affordable.
Our programs drive a health & wellness outcome.
A dashboard of employee health & risk for the company.
Ask about out Wellness360 plan. A 12 month all inclusive program supporting your organisations's wellness journey.
COVID19 Services
Employee risk assessment identifies ones who may face severe symptoms. This will help do better work allocations.
COVID19 support line gives peace of mind to employees and their families. This is one number/app to get all the guidance you need at a time of COIVD19 scare. (Before you are detected as positive)
Home based care if an employee or a family member is positive.